Knowing nothing — the beauty of diversity
At the moment, I am in France for a couple of weeks to visit family. Although I am so close to The Netherlands (home), there is still a slight piece of culture adjustment.
Cheese for desert, a city inside of the metro station, a bottle of water and bread always on the table of every restaurant, tones of people on the street, say merci and bonjour every other sentence…
Yesterday, I met a friend who is living in Paris but naturally from Hong Kong. She told me about the China history, tips to learn mandarin, a tone of Chinese dishes, the traditions for pregnant women and the current situation in Hong Kong,
Seeing my friend talking so lively about Chinese culture melted my heart. Not only I have a piece of myself located in China, but I genuinely love what is different from me.
Lately I only have the opportunity to meet other cultures via zoom, still I feel overwhelmed of excitement when I hear them talking. I want to go immediately where they are, sit by their side and ask questions about their lives.
Due to the nature of my work, I have partners and colleagues in various countries. I call Peru almost every other day, every other week I call Syria, Nepal, France, and so on… I am grateful to be exposed to people who are not like me.
Of me, I already have enough. Do not take me wrong, I am extremely grateful with who I am and the people around me.
But diversity is one of my sweet spots.
I enjoy a lot of people acting different from me. Always makes me wonder, why I do what I do.
People who say things I have never heard of, or believe in things that never crossed my mind.
It makes immediately humbler. It reminds me how little I know.
That feeling gives me peace of mind. I like to know that I do not know and there is someone out there who can teach me.
People from different backgrounds and contexts, with different religions, traditions, cultures, beliefs, or simply different ways of living, eating, sleeping, working, loving, you name it…It is true beauty.
Diversity makes me feel connected to others. It shows how similar we are at the same time.
Reality is an expression of the world created by our own senses and identity, however it vanishes the moment we open our mouth.
One may experience that reality as a dream, a hope, a fear or a just a story.
Our reality presents itself like the truth, our truth. But this is applicable for everyone. Imagine how many realities and how many truths how there…
Again, we must think ourselves
Why do I believe what I believe?
What do I really know?
Am I actually sure about it?
Realizing I know nothing sets me free. It functions like my oxygen pump, it makes sure I am alive and I must continue pursuing to comprehend others, and myself better, every single time.
Patricia Assis
May 2021