YA LEUM.43 — Toilet? No needed! Do it here…

Patricia Assis
7 min readFeb 2, 2021


In the last post, Mathieu and I decided to explore the wild part of the Coron island. We did not imagine what we were signing for we started the road….but then we crossed paths with a local, Junjun…who sent us to this place…

It looked like we were days away from the main city. Although it was so close on the map, it was really far from the civilization. The accesses were tough, the roads were poorly paved, and not everyone has a motorcycle or a boat for transportation.

The isolation of that village also created a kind of charm and lightness. People looked happy and relaxed and the laughter of children was the main sound of the village.

“Junjun, where can we set our tent? Is it safe to stay on the beach?” — we asked.

“Of course, it is! But you can stay in my place” — he tried to convince us.

The houses in that village were all made on stilts to avoid being dragged by the sea current when the tide rises. The stilts are the houses on the water, supported by wood pillars in lakes, lagoons, or seas.

“During the night, the tide rises and everything is filled with water. Thus, you cannot set your tent here. You can stay there, in my room” — said Junjun.

The tide will rise? How so? The place where I stand right now will be flooded with water? Everything will be flooded?

My brain did not process the information and I could not believe it until I saw it.

Everyone was excited to welcome us! Junjun and his wife had two children but there were many more people. Among friends, relatives, and neighbors, everyone was actually just a big family.

We had dinner together and at night we got ready for a karaoke session. For a more fun karaoke session, we bought their favorite liquor in one of the local stands and we made a party!

The Philippines are the masters of Karaoke. Besides always having the entire equipment, no matter where you are, you can be sure that at least a person in the group will have an exceptional voice! We too had our karaoke star. Everyone sang. Women, men, children… even the 60-years old grandfather. It was a delightful evening! The liquor made this mini-party even better!

Especially for Junjun…

When it was time to go to sleep, the tide had already risen. We went to Junjun’s house with our feet on the water. After all, it really was true!

During the day, the front of the house was a small store that sold shampoo, noodles, and other small utilities. At night, they closed the store and it turned into a small living room.

That night, they offered us the bedroom and stayed in the living room. They did everything they could so we could be comfortable: they gave us pillows, a mosquito net, sheets… While making the bed, I felt the urge to go to the toilet.

“Where is the bathroom? I can go alone!” — I said, trying not to give them a hard time…

Junjun, in a quite relaxed and cheerful manner, answered: “Here! You can do pee here!”.

I became as pale as snow!

“No, no… I can go outside. Where is it? Any place will be good!” — I said, still perplexed and doing my absolute best not to laugh.

“Here is ok! There is no problem! You can do it here. That is normal! The water will take it away!” — he insisted.

He continued for another five minutes, saying I could urinate there, that it would not be a problem!

His wife smiled lightly and agreed.

Mathieu did not even answer and told me that maybe it should not be a problem: their home, their rules!

I was still so puzzled by the whole thing and repeated in a very diplomatic tone: “No, no, no! I do not think that will be a good idea. Believe me, I can go outside!”.

That was when Junjun’s wife said: “She feels better going outside, it is better for her!”.

They showed me the way to the neighbor’s house, and, there I was, going from one house to the other, in a full moon night, with my feet on the water, crossing a part of the sea to use the neighbor’s bathroom.

Everything was flooded. Water was everywhere. The tide had risen and the water was reaching the door of the other house.

The neighbor was as friendly as everyone else and made me feel comfortable in her house.

I returned as anything as happened, but inside me I was still laughing hard of the all situation.

It was a lively and special night.

We slept well, feeling grateful about the experience and the people that the world kept sending us.

On the next morning, Junjun and his friend showed us the beaches, mangroves, and the beauty of the sea.

We visited the house of some friends who lived in isolation on a really small island. Their space was simple but pleasant. They cultivated some fruits and had a mini solar panel that generated some light during the night.

When the tide rose, this couple was isolated and all alone. Yet, according to them, they were used to it and did not care about it.

We could not stay as long as we wanted because we had to return to the center of Coron early in the day.

Junjun also had to go to the city at the beginning of the afternoon! It was a good surprise. It is always better to have company for the return trip.

We said goodbye, through hugs and pictures, and we hit the road!

A challenging trip was ahead of us…

I went with Junjun and Mathieu was on his own so that driving was easier for him. We used some shortcuts to arrive earlier but the path was even harder. We went through clods of earth, downfalls, bushes, and the forest. Sometimes we had to stop so that I would leave the motorcycle to walk. Other times, I thought we were going to fall. Yet, if there is something that I learned is to always trust the locals.

And that trust made me enjoy an incredible motorcycle trip through the interior of a wild island.

I think that Mathieu’s experience was different… While I was thinking about our luck, love, and the beauty in the world, Mathieu was focusing on the ground and feeling his heart in his mouth.

Yet, this man is pure adventure and challenge. Thus, whenever you ask him if he is good, he will never lower his guard. Instead, he will always show his positive smile that so perfectly pictures him.

When we arrived at Coron, the city, it looked like we had been in a book of adventures and we were left at our starting point.

It was time to say goodbye! We wanted to offer lunch and have a beer with Junjun but he could not stay long.

“I really cannot. I have to go back.”

We were staggered!

Return? He was supposed to take care of some business…

After all, Junjun only came to the city so that we would not go on our trip by ourselves. He was worried because the path was tough.

We were astonished and did not know what to say!

We thanked him countless times, gave him money for the gas, and even bought some sweets for the children.

He only asked us one thing before we left:

“Can I have that picture we took last night? My wife and children would love to have a souvenir with you!”.

Thus, before he went back to the road, we went to a printing store and printed two photos with a special memory message.

These apparently short moments are the ones that will be forever marked in our souls.

December 2017,

Patricia Assis



Patricia Assis
Patricia Assis

Written by Patricia Assis

I am traveler, wanderer, believer who have a deep connection with the inner world.

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